Prepare for tomorrow, make the most of today.

Financial advice to help you manage, grow and protect your wealth.

Advice that makes a difference.

A financial plan is about more than just money. It’s about freely living your life without worrying about your finances. It’s confidence and excitement about your future.
It’s leaving a legacy for the next generation.

At Involve Wealth we help you navigate your financial life.

Stress less. Take Control. Plan Ahead.

How we can help

At Involve Wealth, our goal is to help you reach your potential, whether you are just getting started, building your wealth, preparing for retirement or enjoying life after work.

You want to buy your dream home, expand your family and grow your wealth.
It’s time to pay down debt, protect your wealth and grow your assets.
You want to be confident that you will have enough money to enjoy life after work.
You would like to leave a legacy for your kids and ensure you don’t run out of money.

We make the complex simple.

Your local financial partners

At Involve Wealth, we believe in providing a holistic approach to financial advice, tailored to each client. Our advice is practical and easy-to-understand to help you achieve your financial and personal goals both now and over the long-term

5 Steps To Mastering Your Money

In this free ebook we share 5 important steps to help you be the boss of your money.

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Kind words from our clients


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Ben Hornsey

Financial Adviser

Not long after you meet Ben Hornsey, the Principal of Involve Wealth, you will realise why so many of his clients are referrals. He is friendly and approachable and very hands on, balancing his informality with a high degree of professionalism and experience. Ben understands that financial planning can often be daunting and unfamiliar for clients, and he tailors his approach to ensure that his clients’ individual concerns are addressed.

With 10 years experience in financial planning, Ben opened his own boutique firm in Hobart, specialising in Superannuation, retirement planning and pensions, Centrelink, investments and Insurance. Ben maintains a strong network of professional advisors including accountants, solicitors and mortgage brokers allowing him to provide timely, tailored, professional care to his clients from the most basic budgeting concerns to the more complex business owner retirement plans.

Ben lives a fit and healthy lifestyle and enjoys being able to balance his exercise and golf around his work commitments. Ben understands that life is not 9-5 and he is happy to strike a balance with family time during the day, and client appointments out of hours; an approach which he says is a win/win for many clients.

Jess Hornsey

Paraplanner/Client Services Officer

Jess has been in the financial services industry since 2018 and really is the go to in the office for client administrative assistance. Jess prepares all of the advice documents and implementation so you will get to know her during the process. She also has been dealing with Centrelink for many years and loves being on hold to them and fixing clients positions to ensure they don’t have to stress about it. Ok the phone call doesn’t bring her joy, but letting the clients know it’s sorted and hearing the relief in their voice brings her happiness in her work.

To escape the office she enjoys workouts in the gym or hanging out with her family and friends. In her down time she looks after Ben once her daughter Ava is happy.

Jane Brown

Head Accountant

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Sample Someone


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